
"I am attending the classes with Réka for a couple of months and it is amazing how my passive knowledge was transformed into active use of the language. She helped me with this by focusing on topics being relevant and interesting to me. Now, I am ready to challenge myself to immersing into communication with Hungarian speakers without any fear of mistakes. Moreover, all materials prepared by Réka for the weekly classes are always very interesting and useful. Réka is also a great motivator, always pushing me to be better at using the language. I feel that I am reaching my language goals, in particular, that I am becoming a self-confident Hungarian speaker. It is a pleasure working with her and I am sure that I will continue attending classes with Réka."

                                     Miloš Vučković

Karanovic & Partners


"I have been studying Hungarian with Réka for around 3 years part-time at 2 hours a week. I first began studying Hungarian through apps and other online materials, until I was recommended Réka to be my teacher. Réka was very clear about how our learning sessions will work and what to expect and was more than happy to answer any questions that I had. Réka has been an exceptional teacher who has been very understanding of my requirements and availability and has improved my Hungarian significantly alongside my confidence in speaking, reading, and writing Hungarian. My sessions with Réka have both been enjoyable and informative, with each session clearly indicating what we will be learning. Réka is a patient teacher and has been very encouraging on my learning journey, and has been more than happy to provide any additional language learning help when needed. My favourite part of our lessons is knowing that Réka takes the time and effort to plan ahead and makes the lessons tailored specifically for myself, and we will often learn about any interests that I have regarding Hungarian, which makes the sessions more enjoyable and effective in learning. Learning both the Hungarian language and its culture through Réka has enabled me to speak more to my wife's family who are Hungarian, and has helped me develop a deeper appreciation for Hungarian culture and its history. I look forward to continuing in my learning journey with Réka, and would highly recommend her to anyone with an interest in learning a language."

Elliot Brooks


Als ich begonnen habe, bei Réka Deutschunterrichte zu nehmen, hatte ich sehr niedrige Motivation, um Deutsch zu lernen. Ich hatte Schwierigkeiten in der Schule, aber mit Hilfe von Réka bin ich nicht nur motivierter geworden, sondern ich habe mich der Sprache immer mehr genähert. Ich nehme seit 6 Jahren Stunden von Réka und mit ihr bin ich immer engagierter in Bezug auf die Entwicklung und Beherrschung der Sprache. Dieses Jahr möchte ich die DSD-Prüfung absolvieren und ich habe keine Angst davor, dank Réka.

Kósa Bella

Highschool student
